

How Foulkesian was Bion?


If we want to enrich our ideas, we must study the problems of holding together caring and hating, the individual and the social. We each need to face the difficult emotional significance of the issues of group therapy, and group life. We need to remember it is an easy option to go for one position or the other. We do that for comfort rather than for truth. We need to establish the tension as a creative one. If influences that drove Bion and Foulkes, and their followers, towards polarised positions are valid, it is important for us now to understand how we each position ourselves. If we are to follow Malcolm’s initial plan of ‘ongoing dialogues between Foulkesian and other group-as-a-whole approaches’, we Read more


Historical Introduction to Group therapy in the treatment of anorexic- bulimic disorders


The history of homogeneous groups is presented, since they were first created in USA at the beginning of ‘900 until they were realized as a psychoanalitical thought of group, by Bion and Foulkes in Europe. The homogeneous group with anorexic patients and its organization is also Read more