

The birth of the ability to narrate


I’m going to describe the appearance of an ability to narrate in the case of an adopted child with autistic traits. This capability has become possible, in my opinion, first of all following the late internal experience of the continuity of existence, closely linked to the experience of those sensory envelopes usually provided to infants by primary maternal care, which contribute to the construction of a body self. Despite her rejection of any kind of narrative, the adoptive parents have been able to tell her true story, accepted by her without any apparent problems. Within the psychotherapeutic relationship she could later recognize and process the Read more


Agoraphobia is feminine? Some reflections on the relationship between the agoraphobic syndrome and femininity


The more recent psychoanalytic conceptualizations, relating to the genesis of agoraphobia, have increasingly illuminated – going beyond the Oedipal contribution of Freudian memory – the serious structural deficits of the ego, the presence, therefore, of that “emptiness” in the basic structure as the real nucleus problem (Milrod, 2007; Cartwright, 2006, La Scala, 2010).
These theories contribute to validate the reading of the agoraphobic syndrome as a defense against anxieties triggered by “separateness” and as “pathology of identity and of the limit”. From this perspective, in this article we focus in particular on the relationship between agoraphobia and female identity. The process of building a sense of self as a separate Read more