

Duplicity and illusion in families formed by international adoption


“Duplicity and illusion in international adoption.” New family compositions created by international adoption grow hand in hand with globalization. Beyond the socio-economic or political implications, the author focuses on the psychological processes at work in these families. Duality of countries, cultures and families, associated with the intensity of the needs and demands involved, induce multiple distortions of reality promoting deception. In the light of two examples of international adoption, one drawn from literature, the other from a psychoanalytic family therapy, he studies the emergence of fantasies and representations in connection with deception and mystification. Considering their hidden effects detrimental to the creation of new Read more


Frank or the original death


This article leans on the narrative of a teenager hospitalized after an accident caused by a full of risk behaviour. It shows how the accidents bound to risky behaviors during the adolescence are often unconscious actualization by the teenager of primal scenes. These scenes are often built by turning round the scenes of the primal fantasies related to the human fate to death These accidents have a function to build a new deal of the primal identifications and a new sharing of the psychic positions of each in the family circle and also in the social Read more


The ordalic scene and the work of individuation/separation at adolescence


This research studies the impact of the ordeal scene (old eng: ordal judgement) as being a mode of symbolization, specifically primary symbolization. We questioned the function of going through the experience of flirting with danger and with death that older adolescents use. For this analysis, we built an analyzer named the contact ordal.
It confirms the value of going back over, in differed action, these remaining scenes that are awaiting symbolization.
The contact ordal illustrates how there individuals attempt to re appropriate the residue-traces of the experience of ambiguity, and  in the background, reveal the existence of dangerous primal fantasies with a haunting effect. These fantasies enabled us to observe that going through the ordal experience is accompanied by the predominance of two major phantasms:The phantasm Read more