
“Fare gruppo nelle istituzioni”. A review

Fare Gruppo Nelle Istituzioni, Lavoro e psicoterapia di gruppo nelle istituzioni psichiatriche, edited by Claudio Neri, Roberta Patalano e Pietro Salemme, and published by FrancoAngeli, is a book whose conception is cheerful and successful in its intent stated of being a practical and nimble tool […] something resembling a joiner’s manual for those who wish to build projects and to carry forward group activities in the context of intervention on mental distress.
And if it’s true that writing a book, that can be useful in clinical practice, is anything but simple task, it’s also true that Fare Gruppo Nelle Istituzioni is a text that offers more than it promises: it widens reflections and thoughts about the “doing”.
Francesco Barale, in his mindful, accurate and comprehensive preface, doesn’t fail to point out that, among the aims enounced in the introduction by Claudio Neri, the main one is that this book can be lively and useful. Neither he fails to point out how, by his experience as a reader and as a trained person, both achievements are accomplished.
One could wonder what makes the reading of such a technical text, so pleasurable.
And when I say “pleasurable”, I mean something that is prompting as the sensation evoked by the word but, Read more