
Silence in intensive therapy: from an experience of the senses to an experience that makes sense


A short-term homogeneous group of young patients who experienced cranial trauma and recovery in intensive therapy is presented. Once the somatic and sensory experiences triggered off by the trauma and its treatment were mobilized in a group experience, elaboration and transformation of unthinkable elements into emotional, recognisable and narratable elements Read more


Group and dream in departments of organic illness. The homogeneous group in the hospital department


So that what seems significant to us, relative to the theme of the groups iconic and oneiric production, concerns its specific function in the group dealing with organic illness. This function is connected with the need to represent the bodys internal events, to give them a shape and communicable expression, to provide them with a sense which can be shared and mentally represented. The understanding of these representational elements, so important for re-establishing the ties between body and mind and between trauma and rebuilding, may set in hand a process of transformation and evolution. In particular, in the group considered, it was possible to pinpoint levels which were more and more touched by the affections of a central fantasy connected with the neoplastic illness: the annihilating and fragmenting invasion of the tumour, bearer of anxiety of death, corresponds to an early primitive defect, connected with problems of inseparability, which gave rise to an area of ice, devoid of life and absolutely inconceivable, invasive and generating death to the point of persecution, to be ashamed of. The organisation of this fantasy, fostered by dreaming, enables the group to pass from a concrete, symmetrical and specular arrangement, of the Read more


The person internal to the hospital who acts as intermediary and guarantor of the experience. Simonetta Bruni (Part two)


This paper is about an experience of a group of formation with doctors and nurses on the theme of cancer that we conducted in the oncological ward of the San Filippo Neri Hospital in collaboration with the Psychiatry Service within that hospital. It lasted three months with a weekly frequency. The group was conducted by the consultant psychiatrist (Dr.S.Bruni) and an external supervisor, a specialist in group psychoanalysis (Dr. S.Marinelli). We thought it better to privilege the basic and real significance of this experience, rather than use a technical and historical approach, and we have divided the work into two parts. The first part describes the events of the group from the viewpoint of the external supervisor; the dream is considered as a bi-lateral field of work where doctors of the body and the mind meet up. The second part is from the internal psychiatristís point of view, and examines the sequences in detail bringing the experience in close Read more


Working with the nursing staff of an in-patient admission ward


What follows is a clinical description of some experiences and observations which have arisen out of my acting as group work Supervisor for a group of nurses in an in-patient acute psychiatric admission ward, and as facilitator of a Staff Support Group made up of the same nurses, over the last three Read more


Note about a new Association for the Research on the Homogeneous Group

This issue of Function Gamma on “The Homogeneous Group” was edited by A.R.G.O. (Association for the Research on Homogeneous Groups), with the collaboration of the Psychiatric Consultation Service, S.P.D.C. San Filippo Neri, Mod.19, D.S.M., U.S.L. ROMA E.
It comes out in conjunction with a convention organised in Rome 2nd June, 2001, entitled “Groups of Formation and Clinical Groups in the Health and Social Field”.
It is the first public manifestation of the association after a long process of work and confronting ideas between the founding members. During that time, theoretical reflections, clinical experiences, and above all a wealth of personal competences explored the use of the analytic micro-group in different spheres. Alimentation disorders, general medicine, disabled persons, social problems to do with the mixing of different cultures, formation and training for students and people in the helping professions are the main areas where efforts were concentrated.
In time we observed that these work experiences were starting to consolidate, resulting in the individuation Read more


About female repair in the group. Review of an experience of women with breast cancer


A reinterpretation of a group experience composed of women affected with breast cancer which took place at the UOC of Surgical Oncology at S. Filippo Neri in Rome, in an attempt to find a specifically female element in the work of reparation in the camp following the traumatic events.
It raises the hypothesis that the group, offering itself as a container-maternal body, has favoured, in this women-only experience having Read more