

Living in a world with or without memory of the future


The American architect Chipperfield, director of the 13th exhibition of architecture (Venice 2012), in order to correct the extravagant ruptures and homologations which infest contemporary architecture, proposed as “common ground” of the exhibition the triple dimension of continuity, context and memory, specifying that the future of every nation is in its memory, a concept which has become true, in another context, in the words of a common citizen who, eagerly asking for the restoration of a sixteenth-century building damaged by an earthquake, Read more


The function of time in the narration of Orpheus myth


Through the narration of Orpheus Myth, and the contrast between the time of the underworld and the time of light, the instant of experience and knowledge is described as an exclusive time requiring an absolute presence of the participants and doesn’t allow either the anticipation of the future through desire or the filing of the past by means of Read more


Notes on Space – time memory throught the dream


Dreams represent the activity of the unconscious mind that can transform and digest unbearable emotional states of mind into a “theatre of mind”. In this theatre, dreams play to the audience of the dreamer, want to be listened to and understood. Ella Freeman Sharpe, the English psychoanalyst, wrote that “the only dreamless state is death”. In group analysis, we recognise that the internal and external are always in flux, so in dreams we need to pay attention both to the social context in which the dream has occurred, and recognise Read more


From Trauma to Memory The “internal group” of origin and belonging in migrant children


The intertwining between identity and memory in young underage immigrants is examined through a series of sessions that took place in a Welcome Centre. In the specific situation that involves children occupied in a migratory transit, the construction of the individual memory finds itself engaged on two fronts, as it implies not only a (re)construction of the individual past but also the struggle for a position in an internal “group”. It is along these edges that migrant children find particular difficulties that can be deeply observed, underneath superficial levels of good “integration”, using relational and conceptual tools that are able to give back, also inside an ethnographic enquiry, the constitutive complexity of identity plots and their intimate bond with multiplicity ad alterity. A methodology of encounter where psychoanalytic listening intertwines with anthropological gazing. Migration calls inevitably and immediately into question the cultural constitution of the individual psyche that is critically discussed in the work and illustrated through striking life stories.The question of belonging and of the “origin” becomes, for the migrant children of the so-called second “generation”, an area of constant interrogation, because they have to rapidly face the necessity of building a sense of identity and belonging along Read more