
Presentation: Anorexia, Adolescence, Group

In 2004, Funzione Gamma introduced the 14th edition of “Groups with anorexic patients: therapeutic factors”. Today, we are glad to present the continuation of the dialogue we started back then, to further proceed in our attempt to combine theoretical model and clinical intervention in the 24th edition of “Anorexia, Adolescence, Group”. The title already hints that the theme of identity constitutes the invisible path that will guide us through this edition. As Rouchy (1987) writes, “It is impossible to declare our identity without naming one of the multiple groups to which we belong”. As human beings, we live in groups. Our sense of identity arises and develops from these various affiliations. The group is an essential element of human existence: men are born in groups, they play in groups, they fight in groups and against groups, and all religious and heathen rites are celebrated in groups. In the field of neuroscience, research has shown how the mind develops through relationships. The development of our nervous system is an experience-dependant process: in the early stages of life, significant relationships are the main source of experience, which also modulate genic expression at a brain level. Relationships with others have a great influence on the brain. The circuits that mediate social experience, are closely related to those Read more


Homogeneous time-limited groups and eating disorders


This work describes some hypotheses on the functioning of the homogeneous time-limited group mechanism used in the treatment of eating disorders, led with a psychoanalytic vertex observation. The work is divided into 4 main parts. In the first part, the authors describe the meaning of homogeneous group and its characteristics particularly in terms of  specific therapeutic elements and group functioning. In the second part, an analysis of the homogeneous group within the treatment of eating disorders is carried on. In the third part of the work, Time-limited group psychotherapies are presented, being these characterized from a prearrangement of the term; concepts which appear specific of time-limited group, such us Read more


Historical Introduction to Group therapy in the treatment of anorexic- bulimic disorders


The history of homogeneous groups is presented, since they were first created in USA at the beginning of ‘900 until they were realized as a psychoanalitical thought of group, by Bion and Foulkes in Europe. The homogeneous group with anorexic patients and its organization is also Read more


Introduction, Group Psychoterapy with Psychotic and Borderline Patiens

I am honoured to present the fourth number of Funzione Gamma Journal edited by my Italian colleagues and me, about “group psychotherapy with psychotic and borderline patients “. The Funzione Gamma Journal has met with remarkable success, presenting papers coming mostly from a European tradition; with this number we establish a profitable, communicative connection with North America.

I hope that readers will find the same stimuli and interests that we felt in writing the papers contained in this issue.

Howard D. Kibel, M. D.

The papers enclosed in this number of the Funzione Gamma Journal reflect the increasing need for an exchange of clinical and theoretical experiences coming from different contexts in such a way as to permit the amplification of the cognitive instruments used in group psychotherapy. The authors illustrate, with their contributions, the practical and theoretical planning used in their clinical experience of group psychotherapy. The North American authors present models that can be linked to the institutional context and with the general problem of patient care. They have been able to elaborate models of group treatment, working in different contexts, considering how the planning of each treatment model adopted is connected to events that also happen in other levels inside a major extended treatment Read more