
A hypothesis for a third topic regarding intersubjectivity and the subject in a common, shared psychic space


The question of a third topic was one of the main themes debated in the recent Congress of Psychoanalysts of the francophone countries. The principal debate centred on the relationships between the configuration of the internal world of a subject and the relationships dealing with its “first others”, namely the parents and the family. I would like to underline that this theoretical point of view is focused on the practice of individual therapy. When the psychoanalytical method extends to multi-subjective situations, like the group, the family, the couple, and the institutions, for example, the psychic space that develops has a specific reality that is common and shared by all the subjects. In 1976, when I first got interested in group psychic apparatus I began to construct a third topic based on the articulation between the common and shared psychic reality, the internal world of the single subject and the space of the link among the subjects. This third topic became necessary to illustrate the way in which the subject is formed in Read more


The work of intersubjectivity in the elaboration of traumatic experience through psychodrama


In this article is described how the elaboration of a massive traumatic experience can find some support and resources in the psychoanalytic process of group’s psychodrama. The  characteristics of the groupal  psychoanalytic situation qualify for a psychic particular work whose modes, dynamics and economy profit by  the work of intersubjectivity, the groupal associative process, the plurality of figurative references and the polyphony Read more

sogno e gruppo

The poliphonic texture of intersubjectivity in the dream


My research on the Dream are based on the hypothesis that it is developed in the polyphonic texture of the interdiscourse. This assumption owes a lot to the work of M. Bakhtine and his followers. Bakhtine introduced the idea that the literary structure is elaborated at the crossing of several structures, just as the word is a polyphony of several writings: that of the writer and his characters, that which takes account of the recipient, of the historical, the ethical and the cultural context. Dreamed is formed in the polyphonic structure of the intersubjectivity The trace of the overdetermination of the Dream is revealed by its polyvalence Read more

Comments to the interview with Balbino


The interest that such an interview brings about is in comparing an interpretative system of dream that is different to the model proposed by psychoanalysis and that was initially elaborated around the clinical individual cure. The interview poses questions that we must solve using other analytical systems, such as that of group analysis or family therapy: Who dreams in the dream? How can telepathic dreams be understood, the shared and mutual dreamlike space? The practice of shaman dreams, the different traditional therapeutic practices used via the means of dream, the dreamlike journeys of the Pumé of the Andes, all these issues that have been highlighted and analysed by numerous anthropologists Read more


Dream or Myth? The two forms and the two fates of the imaginary


The author distinguishes between two imaginary group. The first is an imaginary explorer, organized by the primary processes of representation of the unconscious: the dream. The second is an imaginary explanation, featuring a ghostly background and whose goal is to create a self-representation of common and shared by the group: the myth. Dream and myth work at their own level through the same material of unconscious processes. The myth acts through tertiary processes, which create the connection between the primary and the secondary, while the dream is governed by primary processes. The following are then developed: describe the function mythopoeic into groups (Kaes R., 1976). The myth occurs after a disaster such as the representation of repair of group identity. The creation and expression of the myth of thought generate content from a source of anguish and of non-thought. They therefore worth re-establishment of the origin, the order of the world and its purpose. The myth acts as a “replacement” of ‘dreaming. It is designed as a meta-interpretation of the dream. The myth acts as a significant predisposition used by the preconscious. E ‘in this light that we can better discern the difference between the Read more