sogno e gruppo

The poliphonic texture of intersubjectivity in the dream


My research on the Dream are based on the hypothesis that it is developed in the polyphonic texture of the interdiscourse. This assumption owes a lot to the work of M. Bakhtine and his followers. Bakhtine introduced the idea that the literary structure is elaborated at the crossing of several structures, just as the word is a polyphony of several writings: that of the writer and his characters, that which takes account of the recipient, of the historical, the ethical and the cultural context. Dreamed is formed in the polyphonic structure of the intersubjectivity The trace of the overdetermination of the Dream is revealed by its polyvalence Read more

sogno e gruppo

Dreams: are they personal or social?


The history and lineage of dreams is ancient, mysterious and revelatory. Dreams have been used for prophecy, fortune-telling, for access to the spirit world and for extending our vision beyond our diurnal limits. Ancient Greece sought healing through sleep and dreams; Bion asserts the psychotic hallucinates because he cannot dream, cannot use normal dream work; Kohut and self psychologists also see dreams as revealing the unconscious state of the self and giving the therapist an opportunity to aid in self-healing. In my experience, group members are soon able to feel themselves into the expressed dream of one of their members and to relate both to the dreams, to the group situation and to their own participation. Dreams are therefore both individual and social anddreamtime is a valuable time in which we can reconnect to ourselves and to the group matrix and through this to society of which each one of us is but a fragment.

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sogno e gruppo

An Image Mediator in a Dream Mediator within a Group


The image as a mediator in individual therapy and in group sessions provides the occasion to mobilise the primary process of the unconscious, in a movement of regression necessary to any initial visualisation. Starting with this type of visualisation, it is possible to reach an authentic process of symbolisation. By “symbolisation”, I mean the process of connecting primary and secondary processes through “tertiary (intermediary) processes”, as André Green has defined them. Thinking in images favours this liaison through the use of a mediating image which condenses within itself the image of the subject and of the group.  Some images presented in the group exemplify Read more

sogno e gruppo

Dreamtelling as a request for containment and elaboration in group therapy


The traditional, intrapersonal way of working with dreams has been enriched by an interpersonal approach (Ferenczi, 1913, Kanzer 1955). Dreaming may no longer be viewed as an exclusively internal and autonomous working-trough (event) occurrence, as classical approaches suggest (Freud 1900, 1932, Meltzer 1983). Containment and elaboration of the exciting and the dreadful in dreams can be placed on a continuum from autonomous through dependent. Sharing a dream with a therapist or a therapy group may be done (unconsciously) in order both to represent the self (Neri 1996) and “use” significant others to further the unfinished psychic work of the dream. When the dreamer’s own container for the unbearable is insufficient or damaged, he may search for an external container, as he may have done in his childhood . Group participants may sometimes serve as appropriate recipients for split-off emotions, and by listening to their “echoes” all involved may be helped to integrate projections and work them through. A clinical vignette of a Read more

sogno e gruppo

“Istitution’s dream” in the groups of supervision


We would like to take advantage of this meeting on dreams and the group to propose reflections relating to a particular working context with which we have been dealing in the last few years. We are referring to the supervisions carried out as external consultants in the mental health structures with groups of operators of the services. In fact “group supervision” has become a stable practice in many psychiatric services, starting off from the pilot experiments carried out by some of us in the early 1980s. Previous meetings of occasional consultation had occurred in certain groups, however in our opinion without taking their place in the working set-up and Read more

sogno e gruppo

The advent of a dream in a group of children


This paper follows the perspective suggested by Francesco Corrao in his writings on groups (F. Corrao, 1998), taking up some of the elements present in clinical practice that help to describe the question of dreams in a small early-childhood analytical group. The paper is divided into three parts. In the first I treat the emergence of metaphor within the group; in the second, the advent of dream through a metaphorical bridge; in the third, the series of dreams with speech and Read more

sogno e gruppo

Children who dream in groups


Working with a group of children borders on an oneiric experience, a tale, a cloth so complex as to make it hard to pick out the warp and woof of the dream. The group and its members rarely “relate” the dream; they tend to “dream” the dream. What follows is drawn from an experiential group of eight Read more

sogno e gruppo

Transformational potentials of the peer group


In this paper I would like to examine the transformational potentials that characterise the peer group, in groups of adolescents Read more

sogno e gruppo

Primordial group and oneiric images


The purpose of this communication is to present configurations that become evident as dream- or oneiric images. These images are expressed mainly in ludic activities of children during parents-children’s therapy sessions with the approach named by me as “Parents-Children Joint Therapeutic Interventions”. Such approach was inspired on Esther Bick’s Observation method, as well ason W. Bion’s contributions for understanding the groups operations. Its main target is promoting communication and Read more

sogno e gruppo

A treatening dream in a homogeneous group of patients expecting kidney transplants


This is an account of a Brief Analytic Group Psychotherapy experience with patients with chronic renal damage who were being dialyzed while waiting to receive kidney transplants. This practice was carried out in 1997, in the Psychiatric Liaison Unit of the Psychiatry Division of Hospital El Salvador, in Santiago, Chile. The authors had the chance to observe, on the one hand, the transplanting team’s and hospital patients’ demands for psychological help and, on the other hand, the difficulties said Center’s psychotherapeutic team encountered in serving such demands. In this context, and being aware of the effectiveness of the group psychoanalytic approach, the writers Read more