

The birth of the ability to narrate


I’m going to describe the appearance of an ability to narrate in the case of an adopted child with autistic traits. This capability has become possible, in my opinion, first of all following the late internal experience of the continuity of existence, closely linked to the experience of those sensory envelopes usually provided to infants by primary maternal care, which contribute to the construction of a body self. Despite her rejection of any kind of narrative, the adoptive parents have been able to tell her true story, accepted by her without any apparent problems. Within the psychotherapeutic relationship she could later recognize and process the Read more


The Narration of Folk Fairy-Tale within the Therapeutic Workshop


The individuation of some outstanding qualities of the popular story, the fairy tale, it is described, for its figuration, rhythm, repetition distance, lack of truthfulness as fit for the so called atelier-comte with groups of children in order to serve as a symbolical mediator of non verbal psychic elements, that the activities of narration, drawing, play will succeed in bringing back for a Read more


The emotional value of narrative and Infant Observation


Narration is defined between these two limits, historicizing and observation. Every narrative tends to be transformed into a history, every narrative is based on sensorial data and on the observation of others. Psychic temporality suitable for narration would not yet be that of historicizing, nor would it be the temporality of attention or observation. In this communication, we advance the hypothesis that narration introduces a kind of psychic temporality into bonds in order to face the “outside-of-time” of very primitive anxieties. Using clinical data from work with babies, we regard the narration as a capacity of rêverie (Bion) that acquires an emotional value in intersubjective situations. First, we explore the “present moment” (Stern) and the relationship between narration and primitive sufferings, in order to differentiate the narrative process from historicizing. Secondly, we study the Esther Bick’s method of infant Read more


The function of time in the narration of Orpheus myth


Through the narration of Orpheus Myth, and the contrast between the time of the underworld and the time of light, the instant of experience and knowledge is described as an exclusive time requiring an absolute presence of the participants and doesn’t allow either the anticipation of the future through desire or the filing of the past by means of Read more


Dream and families


At the sitting family or couple in principle after the dream every member associations to the dream. The final interpretation takes into account the collective work, rather it is itself the fruit of collective work. The dream interpretation considers the expression of the general shared, but must also respect diversity and unique individual defenses. In the subjectivity analytic  space of couple and family interpretation accentuates its size research and building a sense of shared and open to the contribution of other family members that play in this sense, a co-therapeutic function. However, it shall also report to individual differences, the defenses of the individual than collective and transgenerational anxiety, defense mechanisms transpersonal and the use of the other. In any case, the communication session in a dream represents a point of processing to which the family group is reached and a Read more


Oneiric constellations and group field


The new thoughts, not yet thought of, can become accessible through the creation, experience and discovery of what the author has called the constellation dream produced by re-dreamed by the group. The dreamer performs the function of “observation outpost” which on the whole, from his vertex, and with his autobiographical language, offers the group clues suitable to pinpointing an emerging and as yet unknown constellation of meaning. In addition, the  author puts emphasis on the responsibility of the analyst in this context. The function of the analyst is certain to develop a narrative that gives meaning to the experience of place, but also to be able to keep alive a particular “attention” (in Bion’s sense) that promotes development through affective interaction of the components of embryonic connections between the split parts (double) in the group. According to the ‘author’ s analyst Read more


Dreams in a group session: telling a dream as an instrument to develope one’ s own individuality


In this paper some reflections will be formulated about a possible use of the dream as a useful tool to understand and have a view on the state of individual mind, related to group work, in a brief number of sessions of a psychotherapic group, managed in a Psichiatric Public Clinic. Then the process of telling dreams within a group, seems to bring meaningful traces of such an immersion in the inter-subjective plot, which I consider our original condition of being in the world as humans. Within a group, such a plot is alive and present, can be seen, listened, and this experience facilitates a possibility to gather access to personal, remote memories, and touching such ancient roos seems to allow a significant Read more


Psycho-Dynamism of dramisation in groups


The author relates the dream to a production typical of the group, the dramatic representation and tries to show the similarities and differences between the two. The author takes into consideration the thought of Anzieu (1963), who pointed out the equivalence between the small group and the dream. A group would be, in a sense, a dream dreamed by various dreamy. If we give the dream a function beyond that of satisfaction of desires processing, its reflection can get even closer comparison of the dream with the actions of a small group of psychoanalysts. The author suggests that dreams, in a group, have one of the main functions in this formalization: its function is to provide models of work and thought the group, as well as matrices for identifying its components. Spaces in which to adapt, or with whom you can establish oppositions. The dreams performing among other functions, to mediate between the production of an individual and the group. Allow it to develop models of reflection and action that can go from one form to the next myth, relatively polysemous Read more


The sheaves. A dream recounted in Group. (From “The Young Joseph” by Thomas Mann. From “Genesis”, Chapter 37, Verses 1-32)


The biblical story of Joseph, intertwined with “the young Joseph” by Thomas Mann and analytical affairs of a patient illustrating the vicissitudes of narcissistic object links within the pervasive and influenced, of Read more


Two dreams by Piero della Francesca


The author studies the contribution that emerges from Piero’s dream vision. He notes the relationship doctor/patient is replaced by the painter/viewer one: the dream isn’t the problem but the solution, it isn’t a puzzle that needs to be reconstructed piece by piece, but rather a global narration governed by the painter/viewer’s eye, controlled by the laws of Read more




In this introduction, after a brief account of the advantages and application areas of group psychotherapy as a method of intervention in developmental age, they are briefly summarized all the articles that make up the volume. In this way, it is given an overview of the content, following a Read more